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Dear Wake Foresters,

As the holiday weekend approaches and we take a collective deep breath before the conclusion of the semester, I write to express my profound gratitude for our Wake Forest community.

In my annual address last week, I shared that we have much to reflect upon and much to be thankful for. For those who could not attend, you can read, watch or listen to it here

In my address, I reflected on how we are only 12 short years away from marking the beginning of Wake Forest’s third century in 2034. Who are we? What are we committed to? Who will we become? How will we live out our Pro Humanitate motto in a rapidly changing world? Based on input from the broad-based Strategic Framework listening sessions, I discussed answers we have heard to these questions, and in the address, I shared the overarching value proposition and three thematic goals that will anchor our future vision. 

I also outlined the next steps for the Strategic Framework process as we seek to build upon our thematic goals. The first phase of the framework process yielded the why and what for our university as we approach 2034. Over the course of the spring semester, phase two will yield the how — that is, the bold initiatives that will map out how we move forward in each thematic goal area.

Many thanks to the Faculty Senate for co-hosting the address; to those who attended in person or viewed on the livestream; and to the leaders of our strategic framework process. Thank you for joining me on this journey.

Looking ahead, I hope you will join me for our campus winter celebration from 3-5 p.m. on December 12th. More information will follow after Thanksgiving, but for now please save the date in your calendars. 

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


Susan R. Wente
Distinguished University Professor of Biology and Biochemistry

Categories: Emails
