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Dear faculty and staff, 

Today, I sent the email below to our students as we prepare for tomorrow’s elections. I am grateful for the important connections you make with our students and the example you set by teaching and modeling how to have discussions across different viewpoints, learning about the issues in this and every election, and encouraging participation among those who are eligible in the democratic process.

The Center for the Advancement of Teaching – in collaboration with the Provost’s office, academic support offices, the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, the Office of Civic and Community Engagement, and Campus Life – created an outstanding resource for teaching and supporting students during the election and beyond.

Thank you for your commitment to our students and their learning during this election season and for all you do to support our academic mission and university community. 


Susan R. Wente


Dear students,

The final ballots in this year’s elections will be cast tomorrow, but it may be several weeks before all votes are tallied and outcomes are announced. During this time, I appreciate your continued commitment to practicing empathy and embracing patience. Both take courage, engagement and the support of our greater university community. 

I am proud of the many ways our community fostered opportunities for learning and engagement during this election season. Our student-led campus political engagement project, Deacs Decide, has had incredible success this year in its voter education and turnout efforts, including:

  • engaging with 15 classes, 100 student organizations, and every fraternity and sorority chapter to share voter information, leading to 915 students registering to vote in North Carolina, up from 387 in 2020; 
  • creating a shuttle stop at the Polo Park Community Center for early voting in partnership with Transportation and Parking Services; 
  • presenting a series of panel discussions featuring different views and perspectives on the 2024 election in collaboration with the departments of Economics, History, and 

Politics and International Affairs. 

Tomorrow, university offices and student organizations around campus will provide snacks, encouragement and information about voting. The Office of Wellbeing will also co-host spaces for processing and reflection. These efforts will continue informally throughout the remainder of the week (see the schedule of opportunities).

As we look together toward the future, I trust that our Wake Forest community will be known for how we seek common ground through respectful dialogue and thoughtful listening.


Susan R. Wente

Categories: Emails

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