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1: Naming Need

An honorific naming need is identified.

President convenes an Administrative Committee for Honorifics (ACH). Membership and leadership determined by specific naming inquiry and circumstances.

2: Parameters Established

ACH proposes parameters for honorific naming.

Prior to considering potential names, the committee will determine criteria deemed critical to the naming inquiry (e.g., must be named for a person, timing considerations, etc.).

3: Research

With parameters confirmed, ACH determines research needs to support naming inquiry.

Research findings inform naming options identified, for which a rationale is developed.

Research support may be sought from the University Archives, Wake Forest Historical Museum, or faculty scholars with content expertise.

4: Preliminary Recommendation

Committee identifies its preliminary recommendation and documents its rationale.

President and Board Chair briefed on preliminary recommendation.

If approved, recommendation is presented to Administration Committee of the Board of Trustees.

5: Feedback & Notifications

With provisional approval from the President and Administration Committee, ACH consults with shared governance groups.

Groups may be selected for consultation based on the specific nature of the naming inquiry.

Feedback collected and summarized, and revisions made to recommendation if needed.

6: Final Recommendation & Approval

ACH finalizes its recommendation and submits to the President for approval.

If the President approves, the final recommendation is made to the Administration Committee.

If the Committee approves, they can bring a resolution forward to the full Board for approval.